Sunday, October 09, 2005

essex thefts

So, after 423 days of glorious timewasting, tomorrow it's time to set the alarm, spring out of bed, and do a honest day's graft. My glorious career in the industry of the future, high-street music retailing, starts with a flight to Glasgow at 8.50am tomorrow. Aiming to conquer the whole UK in just a few weeks, I'll be sweeping south, crushing all the competition Virgins in my way...

Before all of that, there has been one last week of 'hanging out'. Visiting people, kissing babies, holding babies, buying new outfits, walks in the countryside, walks around John Lewis, even discovering it's now trendy to drink cider.

Final wedding of the year came on Friday, with Stuart and Remy in deepest Essex. Catching the last train back to London afterwards, the Burberry cap brigade were out in force. 'Patrolling' the train by walking up and down the carriages for no apparent reason, except to rather scare us and disturb me doing the Sudoku, they then found the buffet car unattended and unlocked. Cue half of the teenage population of Essex marauding up and down the train helping themselves to the entire contents - 24 packs of lager, bottles of wine. I suggested to Ms Love that we could maybe join in, at least for a pack of crisps, but this was deemed inappropriate. You had to be there...

The usual favourites? Well, no luck on the Sudoku challenge in the Independent again. This week we might win a video camera which at least we know what that is. The terrorist car that disappeared on Monday hasn't come back (and it appears it was the owner, not M15, that drove it off). And, joy of joys, Battersea Bridge reopens tomorrow morning, just in time for me to go to work. In what can only be a solution straight from the hand of Ken, cars are still banned and only buses are allowed. Now we'll be able to watch all the rich people in cars getting cross at the delays, from the comfort of our bus seat as we sail merrily past...

Finally, watch out Paula Ratcliffe, today saw the launch of Courtney's bid to make the Canadian (or UK, she's not fussy) Olympic team for 2012. Dulwich 10km run might not be the most auspicious of starts to a running career, but 56 minutes was certainly at least 10 quicker than I thought she'd run, hence the fact that I didn't quite, urm, have the camera ready at the end...
we haven't had one of albert bridge for at least 3 weeks
flying back home
jumping on the trendy bandwagon
serpentine seats
post match portrait
pre match portrait
home dancing
the ultra-exciting diana puddle
essex fog
cheesy couple shot
dodgy legs
bride et groom
junior j